Like any other surgery, cosmetic surgeries too involve the risk of scarring. Now, if the goal of a plastic surgery procedure is to give the patient natural-looking and aesthetically appealing results, scarring is something we will never want. Scarring can disfigure the looks, making the surgical outcomes frustrating for the individual who has opted for the surgery. Though scarring is a natural part of the post-surgical healing process, enough care needs to be taken to minimize the scars or conceal them in inconspicuous areas such as hairs, natural folds of the skin, etc. In other words, the role of scar management is crucial in helping the patient achieve optimal plastic surgery results. In this blog, we will delve deep into the topic of scar management in plastic surgery. Read on.

Importance of Scar Management in Plastic Surgery

While some degree of scarring is inevitable after a larger cosmetic procedure, proper aesthetic care post-surgery can play a pivotal role in managing and minimizing the visibility and extent of scars. This is crucial, especially in a city like New York where patients who have gone for the cosmetic procedure aim to get and flaunt a flawless and perfect appearance in both professional and personal spaces. The type and quality of scars after the procedure depend on various factors such as the healing capacity of the patient’s body, the patient’s skin type, the type of cosmetic procedure performed on the patient, etc. If the surgical wound is not properly taken care of, scars may become more pronounced, bumpy, thick, or discolored detracting from the enhanced cosmetic outcome. By adopting proper scar management measures post-surgery, it is very much possible to get smooth, faded, hardly noticeable scars that merge seamlessly with the patient’s skin.

Best Practices for Effective Scar Management

  • Surgeon’s Skills

Much depends on the hands operating you. In NYC, where the realm of cosmetic surgeries witnesses remarkable competition, the skilled hands of an experienced plastic surgeon take immense care in placing the surgical incision along the natural crevices or folds of the skin or in areas that remain hidden from view.

  • Post-Surgery Aesthetic Care

Taking proper care of the surgical wound is crucial. The wound should be cleaned with sterilized gauze pieces, should be well moisturized, and treated with silicon sheets and medicated ointments. Caring for the wound effectively can minimize the chances of ugly scarring.

  • Sun Guard

Guarding the skin from direct sun exposure is necessary after the procedure. Exposure to direct sunlight can darken the scars, making them more visible. If you have just undergone cosmetic surgery in NYC and are still healing, you are advised not to participate in the outdoor activities that this city is known for. Either stay indoors or wear sunscreen with high SPF to guard the vulnerable healing skin from sun damage.


The optimal outcome of a plastic surgery procedure is more than just the surgery. It involves a comprehensive approach to recovery and skin healing. In a place like New York City where patients look for superior results conforming with their high-end aspirations and lifestyle, scar management indeed plays a vital role in giving you a natural and polished final look after surgery.


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