Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures. It comes with various breast implant options and can be tailored to lifestyle and personal desires. 

Like for any other topic, you can find a lot of information about breast augmentation along with opinions and suggestions on the internet. This overload of information sometimes creates false misconceptions about the procedure and it gets difficult for people who may be interested in breast implants to distinguish between facts and fiction. Keeping that in mind here we are addressing 7 myths about breast augmentation.

Myth#1- Breasts Feel Fake After Breast Augmentation

Advances in plastic surgery procedures have led to the development of implant materials that feel exactly similar to natural breast tissue. When they are placed under the chest muscle, and measures taken by your surgeon to avoid scar tissue build-up helps in keeping the implants soft. However, there are some misconceptions about implant placements as well. Some surgeons suggest under while others recommend over the muscle, in both cases, it actually depends on the patient’s anatomy. Typically, for a woman with a small amount of the breast tissue, placing the implant under the muscle will look and feel more natural. 

Myth#2- Implants Needs To Be Replaced Every 5 To 10 Years

Breast implants need not be replaced unless there is a problem that emerges such as rupture in the shell. Evolved techniques can now allow breast implants to last longer, many patients have had implants for over 20 years. As long as implants are soft and the patient is happy with how they look, there is no reason to replace them.

Myth#3-Recovery From Breast Augmentation Procedure Is Long And Painful

The length of recovery from breast augmentation surgery varies in all patients. However, most patients are mobile and can care for themselves within two days of the procedure and return to work in a week’s time. As with any surgery, your incisions and the muscles around that area may feel sore for a short period. However, the soreness and pain is manageable with medication and it reduces within one or two weeks. Most women wear a surgical bra for the first week for added support, and then a sports bra for a few weeks after that.

Myth#4-You Can’t Breastfeed After Breast Implant

This is one of the most popular myths about breast augmentation surgery. Most women fear that they will lose their ability to breastfeed or will transfer dangerous chemicals to the baby. Both the statements are false. Breast implants normally do not interfere with breastfeeding. Careful planning of breast implant and incision placement can reduce the risk of breastfeeding issues post the procedure.

Myth#5- Saline Implants Are Better Than Silicone Gel Implants

There is no better or worse implant- both are approved by FDA and both have their advantages and disadvantages. Also, studies have shown that breast implants whether silicone or saline are safe and do not cause breast cancer. Your surgeon can advise you on an implant based on your requirements. Saline implants are firmer and do not feel as natural as silicone implants. Whereas silicone implants are more supple like natural breast tissue. Both implants are safe and effective. The saltwater in saline implants is safe for the body. Ruptures in either type of implant are rare, however, silicone implants need not be removed immediately if there is a leak. Getting an MRI every two to three years would be a great idea to detect any silent ruptures.

Myth#6- You Don’t Have Breast Sensation After Getting Implants

Some women may experience temporary loss of sensation in the nipple which happens as your body adjusts to the changes. As the nerves heal and adjust to the new breast size, sensation in your nipples return over time. 

Myth#7- The Results From Breast Augmentation Surgery Are Visible Immediately

During the procedure, the muscles react by tightening as a result the resting position seems to be a little higher than normal. The chest tissue may also look a bit swollen. However, it all depends upon the patient’s anatomy. True results from the surgery are visible after eight to twelve weeks since by this time the swelling subsides completely and breasts settle into a more natural position.

You can learn more about the breast augmentation procedure and discuss your goals at Shah Plastic Surgery with Dr. Nilay Shah. Our top priority is to keep you safe and healthy while supporting your aesthetic goals. 

You can schedule your consultation with Dr. Nilay Shah if you are living in New York, Manhattan, Staten Island, Long Island, Bronx, and Queens here


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