Tummy tuck

Tummy tuck procedure is done by different people for different reasons. While some women resort to it to find solutions to their belly bulge after childbirth, others simply seek this surgery to have that dreamlike flat, firm and slim waistline.

Besides American women, there has been a recent surge in the popularity of tummy tuck procedures or abdominoplasty among men as well. There are various types of tummy tucks to choose from depending on our requirements, like full tummy tuck, mini tummy tuck and extended tummy tuck.

The procedure involves the removal of surplus fat and skin along with repair and tightening work that is done on abdominal muscles. Some surgeons may also include Liposuction in the tummy tuck procedure that helps in contouring and cutting off excess fat.

If you are considering getting a tummy tuck procedure, you must take certain factors into consideration so as to raise your chances of getting the best possible outcome that also withstands the test of time.

Whether it is picking the best plastic surgeon to perform your procedure or the way you care for yourself after the surgery, learn more about how to get the best tummy tuck results.

Reach as near your ideal healthy weight as possible

Before you go for your abdominoplasty, get down to losing some weight so that you can reach as close as possible to your stable, healthy weight. This will give better results as it will enable your plastic surgeon to get rid of more excess skin.

However, it is important to keep in mind that you lose the weight in a manner that is sustainable and you are able to keep it off comfortable. This is because, if you gain all that weight back after your tummy tuck, it will interfere with the results.

In case you are not sure whether to lose weight at all or how much weight you need to lose, talk to your plastic surgeon and get your concerns addressed. They will either guide you themselves or connect you with an expert who can offer you the advice you are looking for.

Select the right plastic surgeon

The plastic surgeon performing your procedure can make or break your dream of getting the best results. So you must pick the right plastic surgeon who will maintain the highest health and safety standards, is well qualified and is board certified. A board certification automatically ensures that the person has undergone rigorous training and is well equipped to perform the procedure.

Combine Liposuction and tummy tuck

In many cases, the best tummy tuck results are achieved when it is done in combination with liposuction.

Abdominoplasty takes care of separated abdominal muscles or excess skin but does little to address that stubborn belly fat. This is where Liposuction can help matters as it is a great way to target the mulish fat pockets that are otherwise unresponsive to work-out and diet.

Most people complain of a fatty midsection replete with fatty deposits and excess skin. A skilled plastic surgeon can give you the best solution to these woes by combining liposuction and tummy tuck to chisel out your waist into the best shape you have always wanted.

Take care of your diet

Get the best tummy tuck results by ensuring you maintain a healthy diet before and after the surgery. This will make sure you are in ship shape to undergo the surgery and also get all the necessary nutrients required to recover well post-surgery.

In fact, it is even more important to keep a healthy diet after the surgery when your body is healing. Moreover, maintaining this over a protracted period will also give you long term benefits and longevity of the results.

  • Stay away from aerated drinks
  • Moderation is the new mantra
  • Go for more home-cooked meals
  • Add healthy snacks to your diet and say no to junk
  • Our bodies need carbs, so embrace it


In Conclusion

Tummy tuck procedures, however scary they may seem from the outside, can give you your desired results if you have been wrestling with belly fat and looking for a way to hide it. Moreover, the best surgeons can help you get the best tummy tuck results and ease your journey of recovery. So it may only be a matter of weeks before you are back on your feet baring that new stomach without having to flinch.


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