
If you’re planning for the cosmetic surgery of a brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, you should know that apart from improving the appearance of your upper eyes and forehead, this surgery can also bring you an added advantage—migraine relief. Yes, you heard it right. A brow lift, which is essentially done to correct furrowed or sagging eyebrows, wrinkles, and frown lines, can also relieve migraine attacks. Before we explore this unusual connection between a brow lift and migraine headache relief, we must first understand what a brow lift is, and why and how it is done.

What is Brow Lift Surgery All About?

A brow lift is a cosmetic surgery performed to reconstruct your upper eyebrow and forehead area, giving you a more youthful appearance. The surgery helps eliminate issues like furrowed brows, sagging brows, and wrinkles or fine lines around your eyebrows. The brow lift surgery involves making incisions just above the eyebrows to remove excess fat and weakened muscle tissues from around the brows, giving the area a tightened, rejuvenated look.

However, nowadays in New York City, individuals are approaching plastic surgeons for this surgery not only for cosmetic reasons but also to treat their migraine attacks. Doctors in NYC are using this surgery as a surgical treatment for migraine headaches.

Uncovering the Unusual Connection

Dr. Bahman Guyuron, an internationally acclaimed plastic surgeon, was the first to discover the unusual connection between brow lift surgery and migraine relief in 1999. He noticed that nearly 80% of his patients, who had a prior history of migraines and underwent brow lift surgery for cosmetic reasons, reported significant or total relief from migraine pain post-surgery.

After analyzing the cases, Dr. Guyuron concluded that the removal of excess fat and weakened muscular tissues might have decompressed nerves and reduced pressure on the forehead, thereby reducing the intensity of migraine symptoms or eliminating them. Soon after his findings, the doctor began using brow lift surgery on many of his patients to treat migraines.

How Does It All Work?

Migraine relief is, of course, a pleasant side effect of brow lift plastic surgery. During the surgery, the surgeon manipulates the forehead muscles, blood vessels, bones, and connective tissues. By changing the anatomy of the forehead, the pressure on the nerve endings positioned around these structures may be relieved. This might minimize the irritation of the migraine trigger points, reducing one’s susceptibility to migraine attacks.

Another theory explaining the connection between brow lifts and migraine relief is the theory of the corrugator muscle. This muscle lies close to the eyebrows in your forehead region and plays a major role in causing wrinkles on your forehead. During the brow lift procedure, plastic surgeons in New York City and elsewhere often remove the corrugator muscle band. The result is not just an uplifted, better-looking brow area but also a notable decline in migraine pain. Removal of the muscle might decompress the nerves in the brow area, simultaneously reducing bouts of migraine.


So, now you know why headaches may reduce after a brow lift surgery. If frequent migraine attacks are tormenting you and you are curious to learn how a brow lift surgery in New York City can help you, you may contact Shah Plastic Surgery Clinic in NYC for the best advice from experts at this clinic in New York City.


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