Tummy tuck

Fat Grafting is a reconstructive surgery involving the transfer of fat from a fatty, plump area of one’s body to another lean area that needs remodeling for a better look. This is an amazing plastic surgery procedure as it involves injecting your own fat into your body rather than someone else’s. Since it uses your own fat, the procedure is also referred to as autologous fat grafting. In recent years, this fat grafting technique has become highly popular in New York City and other parts of the world. In this blog, we will focus on the various aspects of this innovative reconstructive technique and the science behind it. Read on.

Unlocking the Purpose Behind Fat Grafting

The surgical procedure is mainly performed to achieve youthful reconstructive results in areas that need more volume and reshaping, such as the face, buttocks, breasts, hips, hands, and feet. The process is also used to correct scars and defects from burns or other traumatic injuries, oncology defects, congenital anomalies, gaping wounds, and similar conditions.

Inside the Fat Grafting Process

Fat Grafting is a minimally invasive plastic surgery aimed at reshaping and augmenting certain parts of the body. The various steps involved are:

Step 1: Selecting the donor site of the body from where the fatty tissues are to be harvested.

Step 2: Extracting the fat through liposuction.

Step 3: Processing and preparing the collected fat for injection.

Step 4: Preparing the site of the body where the fat needs to be injected.

Step 5: Delivering the fat graft into the recipient site through injections.

Scientific Processes Backing Fat Grafting

Fat grafting plastic surgery works on the following scientific processes and principles:

  • Neovascularization

This process, promoted by fat grafting, mobilizes the cells in the recipient site, providing building or cushioning material and adequate cytokines for generating new blood capillaries and vessels. This accelerates healing and rejuvenates damaged tissues.

  • Stem Cell Preservation

The success rates of fat transfer or grafting depend on the maintenance and preservation of abundant quantities of mesenchymal stem cells and adipocytes.

  • Elimination of Contaminants

To improve the concentration and quality of the stem cells, it is necessary to remove various contaminants present in the collected sample, such as free oil, cellular debris, excessive infiltrated solution, etc.

  • Analysis of Recipient Site

Proper analysis of the recipient site’s capacity significantly determines the success of the fat grafting process. The capacity of the recipient site depends on its volume, function, and mechanical compatibility.

  • Graft Sizing

Sizing plays an important role in the success of fat grafting surgery. Grafts that are too large may fail due to oil cysts and necrosis.

The Takeaway

In New York City, Fat Grafting is widely used for the benefits it provides. Since your own fat is used in the procedure, the chances of failure are low. The fat compatibility factor contributes to the immense success of this procedure. The fat transferred from one part of your body to another can successfully re-sculpt and contour the desired area, acting both as a filler and as a stem-cell-enriched deposit capable of regenerating and growing. If you’re considering fat grafting surgery, choose Shah Plastic Surgery Clinic in NYC for the best experience. We perform fat grafting with expertise, giving you the body you desire!


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