Looking good and dealing with the signs of ageing has become much simpler now with new-age technology and some of the best inventions in the beauty business. While there are certain temporary creams, lotions, and other solutions that are offered at salons, there are various other tools and procedures offered at clinics by plastic surgeons, which are more long-lasting. Sculptra is one of the latest among these solutions that can help you gain a youthful contour to your face.

What is Sculptra?

Sculptra is one of the latest injectable that is available today and one that works quite similar to a filler. The FDA-approved injectable comprises poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) which is unique in nature and encourages your body to increase its own collagen production. This helps add volume to various sagging and ageing areas of your face including cheeks, chin and jawline thus improving the overall firmness and look of your face.

How does it work?

Before understanding the actual nature of Sculptra, it is important to learn what exactly collagen is and why it is so important. Collagen is basically a fibrous protein that is present in the dermis, which is the layer just below the outermost layer of the human skin. The proteins known as collagen and elastin are present in this ‘living’ layer. While elastin gives elasticity and a ‘bounce-back’ effect of the skin, collagen is what gives it support and structure. The latter, however, starts experiencing wear and tear with time and as a result of external factors like UV damage. Besides, with age, the human body starts producing lesser amounts of collagen fibers leading to an ‘ageing’ look.

Now, what Sculptra basically does is, trigger collagen production in the skin, and thus is regarded as a true gem among all other injectables. Once it is injected, the PLLA in Sculptra gets the cells in the dermis stimulated leading to an enhancement in the overall production of collagen fibers. This leads to a reversal in the natural loss of skin firmness that is commonly associated with aging.

Which are the common areas that Sculptra can treat?

Sculptra is mostly used in the nasolabial folds, which are commonly known as the ‘smile lines’. Some of the other areas where this can be used for a highly improved look include:

  • Laugh lines or marionette lines
  • Hollow temples
  • Sagging jawline
  • Sunken cheeks
  • Chin wrinkles
  • Neck lines

Am I a good candidate for Sculptra?

An ideal candidate for Sculptra would be an adult who has no allergies to any ingredients found in Sculptra whatsoever. Moreover, you should not have a history of hypertrophic scarring or keloids. If you are someone who is looking for an overall improvement in your look and the appearance of your skin over time, this is your best bet. Although it does not offer an instant gratification and the results are extremely subtle, it is certainly worth the wait.

How long will the effects last?

For the effects of Sculptra to show, it will take you almost three to six months after it is injected into your skin. Once this happens, you will be able to enjoy the results for over two years.

What can I expect from the treatment?

Once you have chosen a trained and well-qualified injection specialist to get your Sculptra treatment, you should expect a complete assessment and detailed consultation that will help them decide whether you are a good candidate for the procedure. Once this is determined, a topical cream will be applied at the injection site in order to numb the area post which the injectable is administered with the help of a syringe. The entire procedure takes about 30 to 60 minutes based on the number of areas that are being treated.

Your medical practitioner may recommend more than one Sculptra treatment based on the kind of results that you wish to achieve. They will then compile a proper customized treatment plan for you and will guide you through the entire experience.

Are there any side effects of Sculptra?

Just like any other injectable, one of the most common side effects that you will experience is swelling or bruising at the site of the injection. This, however, will last just about a week post your treatment after which it will subside. Some of the other common side effects are pain, itching, tenderness, redness, among others.

If you are interested in Sculptra at Shah Plastic Surgery you can schedule a consultation with Dr. Nilay Shah here.



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